How To Teach

BUGSS is part of the Collaborative Teaching Fellows Program in conjunction with Johns Hopkins and the University of Maryland School of Medicine. We welcome scientists,
artists, and varied experts to share their excitement for science by teaching a course. Courses are planned at least 3 months in advance by our Education Committee. We have courses in various formats that each provide unique
opportunities as an educator.

For those new to teaching, who want an introductory experience with a small time commitment:
Teach a Lab Skill Night, a 2 hr course focused on one lab skill or technique (Restriction digest, bacterial transformation, SDS-PAGE, gel electrophoresis). These are hands-on courses for about 2-6 people/class.
Serve as a Teaching Assistant by assisting with a lab class at BUGSS. You can deliver 1-2 mini-lectures during class. This is a low-pressure environment for first-time instructors.
For those who want experience designing courses:
You can design your own Lab Skill Night, 2-3 hour class/workshop, or a “mini course” (2-3 day hands-on course). Mentoring will be provided to determine the appropriate scope and level of course content. Instructors
will receive student feedback on course design and implementation. There is also the opportunity to teach the course several times to adapt, revise, and show improvement in the course in response to student comments.
For those who want the opportunity to adapt their own research or expertise into a teaching setting:
You can teach a course based on your research/ expertise. These can be any length from 2-3 hours to a 5-week course. Courses include a hands-on research project. Mentoring will be provided to design lab activities, determine
appropriate scope and level of course content. Instructors will receive student feedback on course design. Discussions of the ethical and social impacts of the research are encouraged. You also have the opportunity to design an
online course site and post materials.