For Scientists
BUGSS has many opportunities for scientists and professionals to share their research and passion with the community.
Mentor a research project
Help students with literature reviews, designing protocols, supervising lab work, and creating presentations. You will gain experience mentoring students!
Give a seminar
Present your research to the public and gain experience communicating to a lay audience (important when writing grants to foundations!)
Present at Science SLAM
Have you heard about Science SLAM? A collaboration between BUGSS and Project Bridge, Science SLAMs allow scientists from diverse fields to give 5 minute short talks. Can you sum up the highlights of your research in less than 5 minutes, using only a few Powerpoint slides? If you can, you can win prizes, such as Best Communicated Talk!
How to Teach
BUGSS is part of the Collaborative Teaching Fellows Program in conjunction with Johns Hopkins and the University of Maryland School of Medicine. We welcome scientists, artists, and varied experts to share their excitement for science by teaching a course. Courses are planned at least 3 months in advance by our Education Committee. We have courses in various formats that each provide unique training opportunities as an educator.
Lab Resources
BUGSS is a Biosafety Level 1 lab. Anything not listed on our pre-approved list of substances and organisms will need to be approved by our Biosafety officer before being brought into the lab.