Are you looking for a way to communicate your research? Have you heard of Science Slam hosted by BUGSS and Project Bridge? How about 3 minute thesis or other “big picture” talks that enhance communication of our research with a diverse audience? Feel the strong need to interact and connect important science ideas and research through communication to the public? BUGSS and Project Bridge are seeking gradstudents, post-docs, scientists, and citizen scientists that have a strong desire to engage the community! We are hosting a workshop to help support those interested in gaining confidence and skills to illuminate jargon, find the “hook” or “big picture” of their work and convey their passion and amazement of our scientific research!

BUGSS and Project Bridge is hosting a Science Communication Workshop on June 8th from 6:30 – 9pm. We have speakers to guide and mentor on how to tell the best “story” of your research as well as break-out sessions to work on your own research story and get feedback from our group!

This is what the session will look like:


6:30-6:40pm  – Arrive and introduce ourselves

6:45 -7:00pm –  Dr. Nick Puts “Title TBA”

7:00 -7:15pm – Dr. David Linden ““Speaking about science to a general audience”

7:20 – 8:00   – Breakout sessions – write down talking points/ideas then practice in front of small group

8:00 – 9:00 – present 2 min in front of full group for feedback (5 mins each for feedback)

Please sign up! There is a limited number of spots. Everyone will be invited (and strongly encouraged) to present a 5 min talk during always awesome and Genuinely fun — Science Slam 4 on July 14th!

You can sign up as a workshop participant or as an attendee if you would just like to listen to the talks and the participants!